Breath of Life

Our perspective on life has changed so much in the last 6 months, things that use to matter just don't anymore and our gaze is on what's to come. We had to put our black lab down this week and as I watched her take her last breath I was struck by how one minute she was here and the next gone. All that remained was a shell, a body with no life. I got to thinking about the breath of life that God speaks about in Genesis when He made man. The Lord God breathed into the man and gave him life. Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 God actually breathed His breath into Adam's nostrils, how amazing is that! Breath in our lungs, the breath of life that keeps us alive. We don't know when that will be taken from us. Here one minute and gone the next . Just a body left and the spirit gone. So what will I do while I have this breath of life? How shall I live? Whe...