
Showing posts from December, 2022

Two Worlds

As the Christmas season is upon us many emotions run through our minds. Setting up the tree was beautiful but also had sorrow, will Jesse be here next Christmas? Why does this have to be so hard, Lord? We really are living in two worlds and it's a strange thing to balance. In one sense Jesse is feeling so well and normal that our life is normal(which is such a blessing.) But on the other hand, heading to appointments, stepping foot in Juravinski for follow ups with specialists, being told the chance of cure from this is very's kinda like a gut punch every time we hear those words . We should be used to those words by now but it never gets easier. Yesterday we had a follow up with the colon specialist. The first time we met with her she was very optimistic and wasn't sure that the spot on Jesse's lung was cancer. But yesterday she said that it definitely was cancer and because of that less options are open in the future such as surgery to remove the primary tum...

Taste and See that the Lord is Good

 It blows me away how fast time goes. How cancer has become our "new normal" so quickly and how we've settled into our routines.  Cancer is part of our lives right now but we've made a choice for it not to overtake our lives. It's all about perspective and the choice to continue to live amidst our circumstances.  We were playing a game the other night and as we flipped the hour glass over for each person's turn, I pictured our lives. How the sand in that hour glass is each one of our days. We don't know when that sand will run out and when our days will come to an end. We may think we have all this sand left but it could be the last grain, our last day. Jesse's diagnosis has taught us to live fully and embrace life. It's funny how we have to look death in the eyes before we fully start to live. When we touch eternity we begin to see all things simply (Corrie ten boom). We give all the glory to our Lord Jesus for this update! Jesse had a CT scan rec...