Lord, I Need More Then A Little Help

There’s no words to describe the pain of being told that your husband is dying. For a long time it’s been hard to see that Jesse has been sick, but that’s all changed in the past few months. Jesse’s health has slowly been declining since beginning of May and taken a fast turn in the last 3 weeks. He is exhausted and in pain for most days. We were told at Jesse’s oncology appointment that his liver is full of cancer and is failing . We’ve always known this day could come but walking it out is a whole different heartache and experience. To tell your kids that their dad is going to die and hear the cries from deep down is something no one should ever have to experience.  So we cling to God’s promise -The Lord is close to the brokenhearted

    and saves those who are crushed in spirit.-Psalm 34:18

Jesse wins no matter the outcome to his life and the way things are going he will be with Christ sooner than later.  So as we make plans for Jesse to go home to be with Jesus would you pray for us? Would you pray that He guides our path and opens doors. That He would prepare the kids and I for Jesse’s departure from this earth and give us the strength in the days ahead. 

Jesse will be trying another round of chemo to see if it can slow the progression. The oncologist doesn’t think it will do much but Jesse is determined to make sure his kids know he gave it his all. 

We had a beautiful vacation out East in the beginning of June and were so thankful we had that time together.


Jesse and Jenn 

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. - John 14:27




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