Never Changing
God has been teaching me lately about His character of never changing. Our lives are uncertain; whether it’s the economy or our health things are always changing. The only thing that stays the same is God. I may lose my husband to cancer one day, I may lose all that I own or my country may one day not be "glorious and free" but one thing remains; God will always be, He will never leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5). I’m so thankful for these truths in our lives as we continue to walk the unknowns. We can rest in the immovable Rock and find our strength in His everlasting arms. His grace is sufficient for us each day, one single moment at a time. God doesn’t promise to take our suffering away. He doesn't promise that I’ll always have a husband but he does promise “my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 NIV
Our circumstances in life will continue to change but they will never alter the unchangeable promises of God. So we fix our eyes on Jesus to be our never changing rock and we depend on him daily to give us His supply . Learning to find joy in the here and now, to be content in all our circumstances.
“We will miss God’s abundance if we’re always looking back to what was or craning our neck forward for what might be” Lisa Appelo
“The key to thankfulness is not to view God through the lens of circumstances, but to view our circumstances through the lens of God's love and sovereign purpose “ Anne Graham lotz
Jesse and I have been busy living life. In the winter he built a greenhouse which we have fully put to use. Our garden looks to be the biggest we’ve had yet. Jesse has also embarked in learning to be a beekeeper which is a whole miracle to watch in itself. Creation screams that we have a mighty God.
In April we took a very spontaneous trip to South Carolina. It was well needed and a precious time away. If I look back at myself before Jesse got diagnosed I would never have spontaneously gone on a trip, I was a planner to the bones but I’ve learned life’s too short to plan for everything and living in the moment is a wonderful thing! As the summer is upon us I wish I could hit that pause bottom to slow it down a little. There’s something so sweet about long summer evenings, bonfires and being barefoot in the garden. I want to take it all in and not miss a moment.
Today we got Jesse's CT scan results which we're yet another excellent scan. We're absolutely humbled by God's faithfulness to us in all of this, He's such a good Father. The scan shows that things are continuing to shrink or staying stable. The spots in Jesse's liver continue to shrink, the lungs continue to stay stable and the colon tumor is almost unnoticeable (looking mainly like scar tissue). Jesse plans to take the summer off of chemo and start back up in September, he's finished 21 rounds of chemo so far and continues to do well. Some rounds are harder than others but we are finding fasting 48 hours before his treatment has made a huge difference with side effects being less intense.
As we exhale and breathe a sigh of relief from this scan result, we're still reminded that our days on this earth are in His hands and what a gift life is. Thank you for continuing to pray for our family and support us. What a blessing the body of Christ has been to us.
“But blessed is the one who TRUSTS in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8
In Christ alone,
Jenn and Jesse
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