A Thanksgiving Blog
Whoa, how did we even get here? Was it not June 1st yesterday and here we are Thanksgiving weekend. As we started to harvest soybeans this week, it caught me by surprise how fast time goes. It feels like yesterday we planted those little seeds and started to watch them pop up in rows; now here we are starting to harvest them. It's kind of like our life isn't it? We are born full of life, we sway in the wind full of growth and energy but as time passes we see that we aren't so young anymore. We start to change from a young vibrant plant into a brown more brittle plant, time has worn us down and left marks on us. One day we will return to that ground just as that seed will return to the ground. Our life is a vapor "Yet you do not know what your life will be tomorrow. For you are just a vapor that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that." - James 4:13-15
I don't know about you but time seems to be going faster. This past summer felt like the fastest summer I can remember and everyone I talk to seems to agree. Maybe it's because our lives are busier with things to do or we don't take time to slow down but whatever it is, it's noticeable to me. So that leaves me with a question... when it's all said and done, when my life is like that seed, being placed into the ground who do I want people to say that I loved? Who did I serve wholeheartedly? All of us get to make that choice. We are in a spiritual battle which no doubt can be seen more and more each day. There are two sides: we can either follow this world and its ruler Satan or we can repent of our sins and give our lives to Christ . It's ultimately our decision, nothing our parents did or family traditions can do that for us. We have to make a choice, so what will that be for you?As Thanksgiving is here were so grateful for many things. Were thankful for the past year and half that has changed us in many ways. Were thankful that our children get to watch us walk in faith and see God provide again and again, that they may know and serve him. For the ways God has used our story and family, its truly incredible what He does when you fully surrender your life to him. It's an honor and privilege to follow our Good Shepherd as He leads. Were also thankful for health, though Jesse has cancer he has been feeling so well. We couldn't have imagined a year and a half ago that we would get to celebrate another thanksgiving together when the doctor told us the news.
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